2022/2/17: Crime Prevention Advisory Conference was held.
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- Last updated:2022-03-01
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On February 17, 2022, to form a strategic alliance with government officials and academics as well as promote criminal policy and crime prevention research for joint planning, the Academy for the Judiciary held the Crime Prevention Advisory Conference, so as to provide the government as a reference for improving national policies. Hosted by President Ker, Li-Ling, the conference was attended by 14 members, including directors of MOJ departments, chiefs and deputy chiefs of MOJ subordinate organizations and representatives of the academia. In addition to reporting on the important research work and achievements completed by the Crime Prevention Research Center of the Academy in 2021, the meeting also discussed 3 motions, among which the resolution was that " The Improvement direction on Current Criminal Liability of Juridical Person in Taiwan " and " A study on cyber fraud victimization and prevention in Taiwan " is listed as 2023-year commissioned research topics. In conclusion, attendees highly praised the Crime Prevention Research Center for its research plans and achievements.