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2018/1/30 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference was held

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:1567
蔡碧玉院長主持會議 犯研中心工作報告 進行專題報告 進行專題報告

On January 30, 2018, to form a strategic alliance with government officials and academics as well as enhance the precision and feasibility of the nation’s criminal policy, the Academy for the Judiciary held the 2018 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference. Hosted by President Tsai Pi-yu, the conference was attended by 16 members, including directors of MOJ departments, chiefs and deputy chiefs of MOJ subordinate organizations and representatives of the academia. In the conference, the Crime Prevention Research Center of the Academy first presented its accomplishments in 2016 before 4 motions were put forward for discussion. Then, winners of the 4th Outstanding Thesis Award were invited to give presentations on topics of “Corporate Crime of False Financial Reporting-breach of trust, loan fraud or irregular transaction cases” and “Global Networks of Fraud: criminal networks of Taiwan’s cross-border telecommunications fraud” respectively. In conclusion, attendees highly praised the Crime Prevention Research Center for its research plans and achievements.SPAN>

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