2017/12/7 Chairman LUNDENDORJ Nanzaddorj of the Judicial General Council of Mongolia and His Wife Visited the Academy
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- Last updated:2020-02-11
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Chairman LUNDENDORJ Nanzaddorj of the Judicial General Council of Mongolia, his wife and Mr. SAINKHISHIG Jambaldorj, head of Mongolia’s judicial administration department, visited the Academy on December 7, 2017. Received by AJMJ President Tsai Pi-Yu, along with the Academy’s Chief Secretary, Chief of the Academic Affairs Department, and Chief of the Student Affairs Department, the guests visited the hardware and software facilities and observed classes taking place at the Academy. They were also briefed on Taiwan’s training and recruitment of judicial officials, as well as AJMJ’s prosecutor on-the-job training and judicial professional pre-job training. Chairman Lundendorj said that Taiwan and Mongolia have long enjoyed positive interactions. In addition to annually sending judges and prosecutors to Taiwan for studies and visits to facilitate exchanges, Mongolia also pays close attention to Taiwan’s judicial reform in recent years which serves as a reference point for Mongolia. In fact, in December 2016, a Taiwanese delegation headed by AJMJ President Tsai Pi-Yu and Director Tsai Chiou-Ming of the Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice already visited the judicial organizations of Mongolia, met with Chairman Lundendorj, and further strengthened the ties between both nations. Despite the different judge selection and recruitment mechanisms, the two nations are aligned in their pursuit of fairness and justice. In Mongolia, judges are selected from those who are law school graduates and have passed the bar and are then trained at the training center under the Judicial General Council of Mongolia for six months. Chairman Lundendorj admired and praised the solid, comprehensive 2-year training offered by AJMJ and hoped to see Mongolian judicial lecturers receiving training at AJMJ to further the interactions and exchanges between the judicial organizations of Taiwan and Mongolia. Finally, Chairman Lundendorj, his wife and the receiving staff of AJMJ took a photo together to mark the successful completion of the visit.