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2017/11/13-15 The Judicial Academy of Vietnam Delegation attended a workshop in the Academy

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
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合照 雙方互贈紀念品

參訪學院由院長接待、導覽 課程上課情形

意見交流綜合座談 意見交流綜合座談


Headed by its President, Doan Trung-Kien, a delegation of ten people from the Judicial Academy of Vietnam (JAV) , consisting of JAV trainers, officials from Vietnam’s Ministry of Justice, and heads of provincial judicial departments, visited the AJMJ during November 13-15, 2017. The Vietnamese delegation participated in a workshop organized by AJMJ, learning various aspects of Taiwanese judicial system, such as current development of judicial education and recruitment, criminal system, judicial reform directions, important criminal policies of the Ministry of Justice, and mutual legal assistance. As JAV signed a cooperative agreement with AJMJ in March, 2013 in which mutual understanding on important issues such as judicial training, academic interactions, and publication exchanges were made, the visit this time by the Vietnamese delegation headed by its president not only fulfilled the agreement but also created an opportunity for JAV President and AJMJ President Tsai Pi-Yu to discuss future cooperation. JAV President enthusiastically invited AJMJ President Tsai to lead a delegation for a visit next year to JAV and proposed to jointly hold a symposium. The workshop for the Vietnamese delegation drew to an end after a morning forum on November 15. Both parties unreservedly recognized the results of this exchange and hoped for continued and deepened partnership.

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