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2017/11/1 Dr. Rainer Hornung, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Lörrach Prosecution Office, Germany visited Taiwan’s Taipei District Prosecutors Office with Chief Lu Xiao-yun of the Academy’s Academic Affairs Department

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:1875

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The Academy hosted the “2017 International Symposium on Trends in Development and Recruitment of Legal Professional” during November 2-3, 2017 to gain insight into the quality legal systems and experiences of other nations to serve as a reference point for Taiwan’s future reformative measures on the development and recruitment of legal professionals. Experts and scholars from France, Germany, the European Union and Korea were invited to participate in in-depth discussions regarding their systems of and experiences in education and training for legal professionals. Among the guests, Dr. Rainer Hornung, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Lörrach Prosecution Office, Germany was accompanied by Chief Lu Xiao-yun of the Academy’s Academic Affairs Department to visit Chief Prosecutor Xing Tai-zhao of Taiwan’s Taipei District Prosecutors Office to understand the prosecutorial system of Taiwan. A talk on the services of the Office was held, and Dr. Rainer Hornung was shown the Investigation Room, video conference system, Identity Parade Room, and Detention Room of the Office. Chief Prosecutor Xing further gifted Dr. Hornung with the publication Top 10 Financial Fraud Investment Records to enhance the exchange on prosecutorial practices between Taiwan and Germany.

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