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2014/2/27 Professor Hiroshi Asako and other delegates from Waseda University, Japan visited the Academy

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:1284
2014/2/27 Professor Hiroshi Asako and other delegates from Waseda University, Japan visited the Academy


On February 27, 2014, three professors from Waseda University, Japan, including Professor Hiroshi Asako, and two other delegates visited the Academy.  From 9 to 12 o’clock, Professor Asako reviewed the book collections of the Academy.  Around 1 to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Director General Wang Jin-long from Civil Department of the Judicial Yuan held a meeting with Professor Tetsuo Kato to discuss the Consumers Debt Clearance Act and Bankruptcy Act. 

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