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Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp from the Verden Public Prosecutor's Office in Germany visited AJMJ in April, 2024.

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  • Last updated:2024-05-21
  • View count:282

Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp is a visiting Prosecutor hosted by the Judges Academy. He works at the Verden Public Prosecutor's Office in Germany and also serves as an Adjunct Instructor at Leibniz University Hannover, primarily responsible for investigating crimes involving civil servants. He visited the Judges Academy from April 6th to 26th, 2024, and visited the Academy for the Judiciary (AJMJ) from April 10th to 12th. On April 22nd, he visited the Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutors Office.

During Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp's visit to AJMJ, he first toured the History Corridor, the Moot Court, the History Room, and the library under the guidance of a mentor from the Department of Academic Affairs. He also met with the Academy's President, Li-Ling Ker, and the Chief of the Academic Affairs Department, Min-Yao Tsai. Following these activities, Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp discussed the "Volljurists Cultivation System in Germany" with the Mentors of Academic Affairs. Both parties engaged in in-depth conversations and exchanged experiences concerning the practical aspects of the Volljurists system in Germany. Through the training experiences shared by Prosecutor Paskamp, these insights serve as a reference for our country's planning of reforms of legal professionals' recruitment and training, a new system for us to learn from.

Additionally, we invite Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp to participate in the "Inter-Agency Dialogue — Hit Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering Practice" seminar, co-hosted by AJMJ, the Ministry of Justice, and the Anti-Money Laundering Office of the Executive Yuan on April 11th and 12th, 2024. This seminar allowed Prosecutor Paskamp to understand the practical challenges faced by our administrative and judicial agencies when dealing with fraud cases.

To familiarize Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp with the daily work of our country's prosecutors, we specially arranged for him to visit the Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office, the Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, and the Supreme Prosecutors Office. In addition to meeting with Prosecutor General Tai-Chao HSING, through sharing sessions with Taiwanese prosecutors, Prosecutor Paskamp gained an understanding of the complexity and diversity of prosecutorial work in our country.

Through this exchange, AJMJ and Prosecutor Yannick Paskamp have reflected extensively on the legal education and training systems of Taiwan and Germany. We continue to enhance the quality and international visibility of our judicial education and training through ongoing exchanges with judiciaries and judicial personnel from various countries.

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