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2023/7/25 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference was held

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-08-15
  • View count:373

To forge a strategic alliance between the judicial sphere and academia, jointly devise and promote diverse criminal policies and crime prevention research initiatives, thereby providing the government with valuable insights to bolster national policies, the Academy organized the 2nd 2023 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference on July 25th, 2023. The conference was chaired by President Li-Ling KER, with a total of 18 advisory committee members, including from relevant divisions/sections and departments of the Ministry of Justice, heads and deputy heads (Directors) of affiliated agencies, and representatives from the academic community.

During the conference, in addition to reporting on the significant crime prevention research accomplishments of the Crime Prevention Research Academy for the Judiciary in 2023, deliberations were conducted on the list of requirements for two public-funded research demands scheduled for 2024, namely, the "Review and Reform of the Observation, Restriction, and Mandatory Treatment System" and the "Agency of Corrections' Assessment of Health Mainstreaming Policy & Evaluation Study."

President KER introduced the inclusion of five new committee members: Director Yung-Fa KUO of the Department of Prosecutorial Affairs, Director Chia-Yuan HUNG of the Department of Legal Affairs, Director Yu-Mei MENG of the International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs Department, all from the Ministry of Justice, together with Associate Professor Tzung-Min HUANG of the Department of Law at Chinese Culture University, and Associate Professor Wan-Shan LIN of the Department of Law at Fu Jen Catholic University. President KER also expressed the expectation that the various crime prevention research plans undertaken by the Crime Prevention Research Academy for the Judiciary would yield fruitful execution results that align with societal needs.

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