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Academy for the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Organized the Ministry of Justice's Judicial Reporters Tea Gathering to present the research results on drug abuseon April 26, 2023

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-06-13
  • View count:148

The Crime Prevention Research Center of the Academy for the Judiciary has been implementing the "Evaluation and Comparison of Diversified Treatments for Drug Users” project from 2019 to 2021. In collaboration with the CTBC Center for Addiction Prevention and Policy Research of National Taiwan Normal University, we conducted research on more than 8 million pieces of big data related to drug abuse. The research findings show that "a treatment-first drug prevention policy is effective." This empirical result can serve as a scientific basis for the government's promotion of the "Prevention of Recidivism Promotion Program." The research results will be presented at the Ministry of Justice's Judicial Reporters Tea Gathering on April 26, 2023.

Some of the results of this research were presented at the 2022 NIDA International Forum, which was organized by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, in June 2022. The study research paper was also published on March 14, 2023, in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, which is ranked first in the world in the field of substance abuse in SSCI. In addition to shining a spotlight on Taiwan's drug prevention policies and achievements on the international stage, this press conference can also promote social communication on strategies to curb drug-related crimes in our country.

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