2023/2/14 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference was held
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- Last updated:2023-03-01
- View count:190
To form a strategic alliance between the judicial practices and academic circles, and jointly plan and promote research on criminal policies and crime prevention to provide the government with references for improving national policies, our Academy held the 1st Crime Prevention Advisory Conference on February 14th, 2023. The meeting was chaired by President Li-Ling KER and attended by 16 advisory committee members, who are Directors/Deputies (Supervisors)/Heads from all relevant agencies and departments of the Ministry of Justice, and representatives from the academic community. In addition to reporting on the important research work in delinquency and prevention completed by the Crime Prevention Research Center of our Academy in 2022, the meeting also discussed six research proposals. Among them, it was resolved to commission research on the "Review of the Observation, Compulsory Rehabilitation and Treatment System" and the "Evaluation of Mainstream Health Policy for Inmates in Correctional Institutions" for 2024. Moreover, President KER also delivered a speech welcoming the appointment of two new members, Hui-Huang CHOU, Director-General of the Agency of Corrections (MoJ) and Ming-Chun CHEN, Deputy Commissioner of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. The members present at the meeting highly praised the Research in Delinquency and Prevention Plan conducted by the Crime Prevention and Research Center of the Academy and the rich implementation results demonstrated.