His Excellency Eugenio Jiménez Rolón, Paraguay Supreme Court President, and his wife, as well as His Excellency Ambassador Marcial Bobadilla Guillen of the Republic of Paraguay to the Republic of China (ROC) visited the Academy for the Judiciary on August 6, 2019.
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- Last updated:2020-02-11
- View count:1159
His Excellency Eugenio Jiménez Rolón, Paraguay Supreme Court President, and his wife, as well as His Excellency Ambassador Marcial Bobadilla Guillen of the Republic of Paraguay to the ROC visited the Academy for the Judiciary on August 6, 2019 in the afternoon. Tsai Pi-Yu, President of the Academy, welcomed the distinguished guests. Li Hai-Long, Chief Secretary of the Academy, Ke Yi-Fen, Head of Academic Affairs Department, and Jiang Lin-Da, Head of Student Affairs Department joined the tour and discussion. President Tsai first introduced the ROC judges’ and prosecutors’ training systems and the on-the-job training for prosecutors. Then, President Tsai took the delegation on a tour of the facility, including the photo area on the first floor, teaching area, mock court, and library. Through the tour, the delegation could know more about the ROC’s system of judicial education, and the Academy could also explain their ideals in education, as well as their diverse and innovative curricula. The visit concluded in a joyful and friendly ambiance. Both sides expected to keep in touch and deepen experience exchange, forging an intimate bond between legal professionals on both sides.