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2018/5/20-27 AJMA Delegation Visited the Mongolian Prosecutor General’s Office to Offer Training

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:1274
蒙古國副檢察總長接見本教學參訪團 蒙古行政司司長接見本教學參訪團 參訪區檢察署由檢察長接待 江組長林達授課情況 張參事春暉授課情況 林主任檢察官宗志授課情況

A delegation composed of Chief Chiang Lin-Ta of AJMJ’s Student Affairs Department, Counselor Chang Chun-Hui of the Ministry of Justice, Chief Prosecutor Lin Tzung-Chih of the Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office and Mentor Wei Tzu-Kai of AJMJ’s Academic Affairs Department visited the Mongolian Prosecutor General’s Office between May 20 and May 27, 2018 to offer training on cross-border crime investigation practice to 40 prosecutors of different court levels, provinces, and areas, 8 high-level police officers from the Police Commission, 2 high-level investigators from the Anti-Corruption Agency of Mongolia and 1 officer from the Central Intelligence Agency of Mongolia. The AJMJ delegation, received by the Deputy Prosecutor General of Mongolia, Head of Administrative Department, and Director of the Training and Research Center on separate occasions, also visited several judicial organizations such as the capital city appellate court for criminal cases and a correctional facility. The arrangement to have Taiwanese lecturers offer training in Mongolia through AJMJ started in 2017 and the training workshops were held to great acclaim. In light of the changes in Mongolia’s criminal procedure in recent years and the subsequent early intervention and monitoring of Mongolian prosecutors in criminal cases, the Taiwanese delegation in this visit shared the experiences of Taiwanese prosecutors in investigating major cross-border criminal cases to help Mongolia refine its investigations and implement proceedings. The delegation’s visiting of the various Mongolian judicial organizations further served to strengthen the longstanding friendship between the two nations.

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