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2015/01/14 AJMJ Crime Prevention Research Center received HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Community College (HPCC)

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:2844

students in Hong Kong University SPACE Po Leung Kuk Community College AJMJ Crime Prevention Research CenterCriminal Justice and Law EnforcementYouth and Social Service

Hong Kong University SPACE Po Leung Kuk Community College (HPCC) offers “Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement” and “Youth and Social Service” associate degree programs to apply the theories of social sciences to practical field.  To enhance its students’ understanding of foreign criminal justice and youth problems, a study tour comprising of 24 members was organized by Mr. S C Leung to visit the correctional and rehabilitation facilities in Taiwan.  In the morning of January 14, 2015, they visited the Probation Office of Taipei District Court to perceive the operation of the juvenile court and probation system in Taiwan.  In the afternoon, Taipei Juvenile Detention House was called upon to learn about the correction and rehabilitation of juvenile criminals and drug abusers.  This study tour facilitates the cultural exchanges and increases the visibility of Taiwan crime prevention system.


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