- 121 2016/11/1-2 International Symposium-Trends in Judicial Reform was held
- 122 2016/10/4 The Honorable Randy J. Holland of the Delaware Supreme Court, U.S.A. delivered a speech about Public v. Private-enforcement of fiduciary duties
- 123 2016/10/4 2016 Seminar on Integrity – Strengthen and establish Integrity of Local Government.
- 124 2016/10/21 the 7th Seminar on Judicial Reform-supervision over judicial power
- 125 2016/10/14-23 President Tsai Pi-yu Visited Northern Europe
- 126 2016/01/29 President Tsai visited apprentices of the 55th Judiciary Class in Taiwan Tainan District Court and Tainan District Prosecutors Office
- 127 2016/01/25 President Tsai visited apprentices of the 55th Judiciary Class in Taiwan Hsinchu District Court and Hsinchu District Prosecutors Office
- 128 2016/01/22 President Tsai visited apprentices of the 55th Judiciary Class in Taiwan Kaohsiung District Court and Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office
- 129 2016 International Symposium-Trends in Judicial Reform
- 130 2015/9/9 Completion Meeting for the 12th Mongolian Prosecutors Judicial Training Class
- 131 2015/9/30 National Prosecutors College of P.R.C. visited the AJMJ
- 132 2015/9/3 National Judges College of P.R.C visited the Academy
- 133 2015/9/17 Welcome Party for the Judiciary Class 56
- 134 2015/9/16 press release for IPV video clips was held
- 135 2015/9/16 Opening Ceremony for the Judiciary Class 56
- 136 2015/9/10 Robing Ceremony for the Judiciary Class 56
- 137 2015/8/31 Opening Ceremony for the 12th Mongolian Prosecutors Judicial Training Class
- 138 2015/8/27 Completion Ceremony for the 54th Judiciary Class
- 139 2015/8/11 Deputy Chief Prosecutor Lin Yiying of the People's Procuratorate of Fujian Province led a delegation to visit the Academy
- 140 2015/7/1 Crime Prevention Advisory Conference
- 141 2015/5/28 Led by standing director, Mr. Wan Ting-xiang, the Chinese Foundation for the Education of Public Prosecutors visited the Academy for the Judiciary
- 142 2015/5/22 the 74th meeting of the Judges and Prosecutors Training Committee was held
- 143 2015/4/30 Law Professor Pasha L. Hsieh of Singapore Management University led a delegation to visit AJMJ
- 144 2015/4/17 Led by Standing Director Fu Zhi-an, the Chinese Foundation for the Education of Public Prosecutors visited the Academy for the Judiciary
- 145 2015/3/18-19 Professor Asako Hiroshi of Waseda University, Japan visited the Academy
- 146 2015/3/16 Course Advisory Committee Meeting for the 56th Judicial Class was convened by President Lin Huei-huang
- 147 2015/2/6 60th Anniversary of the Academy for the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice
- 148 2015/12/24, the Crime Prevention Advisory Conference was held.
- 149 2015/12/07 The Academy held the Symposium of the 2014 Crime Analysis and the 2nd ceremony for Outstanding Thesis Award on Crime Prevention Research in the hall
- 150 2015/11/03 the Honorable Randy J. Holland of the Delaware Supreme Court, U.S.A. delivered a speech about the Directors’ Fiduciary Duties under Delaware Corporation Law