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2018/12/11 The Academy held the Symposium of the 2018 Crime Prevention Research and the Awarding Ceremony for 5th Outstanding Thesis Award on Crime Prevention Research.

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
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2018/12/11 2018/12/11 2018/12/11 2018/12/11

On December 11, 2018, the AJMJ Crime Prevention Research Center has commissioned 2 research projects, “The Research of New Psychoactive Substances(NPS) Use Trend and Prevention Strategy in Taiwan ” and “The Effectiveness of Community-based Treatment on Adult Offenders”, to National Chung Cheng University and Taiwan Society of Delinquency Research and Prevention respectively while the Center also carried out 2 in-house researches on “2017 Crime Situations and Analyses-Crime Trend Reports” and“Internet Opinion and Sentiment of the Prosecutorial System:A Big-Data Analysis” . The results of these 4 researches have been presented in the symposium of the 2018 Crime Prevention Research on December 11. Additionally, to encourage more talents to join the research field of crime prevention, the Academy set up the Outstanding Thesis Award on Crime Prevention Research and has held the awarding ceremony for 5 consecutive years. 16 students with a Master or Ph.D. degree won the award this year. In the symposium, Minister Zhang Douhui of Ministry of Justice gave a speech and presented the awards to winners. Participants highly affirmed the results of various crime prevention research completed by the AJMJ Crime Prevention Research Center.

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