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2017/02/21 Delegation Led by Professor Hiroshi Asako from Waseda University Visited the Academy and Held Talks with President Tsai Pi-Yu

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
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日本早稻田大學淺古弘教授率熊本大學山中至名譽教授、東京女子大學藤野裕子副教授、早稻田大學江秀華講師及日本熊本縣千葉總合法律事務所主持律師千葉康博於106年2月21日訪問本學院,由本學院蔡碧玉院長、顏迺偉主任秘書及教務組盧筱筠組長等親自接待。 日本早稻田大學淺古弘教授率領其研究團隊來訪本學院,與蔡碧玉院長、顏迺偉主任秘書及教務組盧筱筠組長會談,就將來如何公開本學院圖書室收藏日據時期臺中地方法院刑事判決原本珍貴史料文字目錄之資料庫以供研究法制史料之學術目的使用,進行意見交換。 日本早稻田大學淺古弘教授率領其研究團隊來訪本學院,與蔡碧玉院長、顏迺偉主任秘書及教務組盧筱筠組長會談,就將來如何公開本學院圖書室收藏日據時期臺中地方法院刑事判決原本珍貴史料文字目錄之資料庫以供研究法制史料之學術目的使用,進行意見交換。 會後,淺古弘教授參訪本學院圖書室。


The Academy and Japan’s Waseda University have always maintained a friendly relationship. On February 21, 2017, the academy was visited by Professor Hiroshi Asako (a well-known legal history scholar in Japan) and other delegates, including Itaru Yamanaka, honorary professor from Kumamoto University, Yuko Fujino, associate professor from Tokyo Women’s Christian University, Hsiu-hua Chiang, lecturer from Waseda University, and Lawyer Yasuhiro Chiba from Chiba Law Office in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. President Tsai Pi-yu, Chief Secretary Yan Nai-wei, and Director of Academic Affairs Lu Xiao-yun greeted the delegates in person, and the two sides talked and exchanged opinions. The Academy’s library has a collection of 327 books of original verdicts handed down for criminal cases by the Taichung District Court during the Japanese Occupation. Professor Hiroshi Asako and his research team had previously visited the Academy many times to film the contents of these original verdicts. Presently, his research team has finished cataloging related contents, and, for this visit, Professor Hiroshi Asako and President Tsai Pi-yu discussed and exchanged opinions on how to make this catalog database of precious historical materials public to be used for academic purposes in legal history research in the future.

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