2016/12/11-15 President Tsai Pi-yu Led a Delegation on Official Visit to Mongolia
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- Last updated:2020-02-11
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At the invitation of the Mongolian Prosecutor General’s Office, a joint delegation consisted of President Tsai Bi-yu, Director Lu Xiao-yun, and representatives from the Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice made an official visit to Mongolia during December 11-15, 2016 to make arrangements for a memorandum of understanding between the Academy for the Judiciary and the Mongolian Prosecutor General’s Office and a 3-day training program for Mongolian prosecutors in Mongolia. Since 2003, the Academy has held Mongolian prosecutor workshops in collaboration with the Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission, establishing a friendly relation and interacting frequently over the years. During the visit, the Academy and the Mongolian Prosecutor General’s Office reached a consensus on developing more diversified ways of cooperation in the future and affirmed the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two countries and the holding of short-term courses by our prosecutors in Mongolia, yielding substantial results for the trip.