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2017/1/12 Field Trip for the 57th Judiciary Class Was Conducted

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:524
本學院蔡院長碧玉(右7)、臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署郭檢察長珍妮(右8)率本學院教務組長、學務組長、導師長及導師、司法官第57期學員與林務局嘉義林區管理處楊副處長瑞芬(右6)等於「檜意生活村」合影。 於林務局「觸口工作站」合影。 學員從本學院集合出發,上午7時30分抵達臺北火車大廳,領取臺鐵局煞車系統操控觀摩教學資料。 火車於上午8時3分從臺北站發車前往嘉義,分組進行火車煞車系統操控觀摩教學。院長於駕駛車廂觀摩煞車系統操控。 分組進行火車煞車系統操控觀摩教學。學員在臺鐵局普悠瑪駕駛引導下於火車行進中親自操控煞車系統。 嘉義舊監獄教學。學員於接見室體驗收容人與親友接見情境。 嘉義舊監獄教學。學員藉由各監獄看守所之模型導覽,瞭解監獄管理的變革。 漂流木與盜伐木判斷教學。 漂流木木種判斷。 檜意生活村導覽教學。


Led by President Tsai Pi-yu, members of the 57th Judiciary Class and administrative staff travelled on the Puyuma Express train specially arranged by the Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC operating between Taipei and Chiayi. During the train ride, accompanied by the president, the director of academic affairs, the director of student affairs, and the full-time instructor, class members went into the cockpit to observe the actual maneuvering of the train’s brake system, experiencing in person and learning in the field. Moreover, in order to increase the case-handling competency of class members, a visit to the Prison Museum (Chiayi Prison) and a teaching activity related to the investigation of illegal logging were arranged with the assistance of the Chiayi District Prosecutors Office. Through carefully planned briefings and interpretations by the Chiayi Prison and the Chiayi Forest District Office, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, it was hoped that members of the judiciary class could gain an understanding of the prison and illegal logging situations to enhance their case-handling experience via these activities.

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