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2016/11/11 The 8th Seminar of Judicial Reform was held

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:598
蔡院長主持「司改講堂」第八講 主講人及與談人和與會人員進行意見交流


The 8th seminar of judicial reform on “Reform of the Trial System of the Supreme Court” was held by the Academy on November 11, 2016. For the seminar, NTU Professor of Law Lin Yu-hsiung and Prosecutor Chu Fu-mei of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office were invited to be the keynote speakers. Starting with the reform of the Supreme Court’s trial system, the establishment of the grand chamber and the routine holding of court sessions by the Supreme Court were talked about to make every effort to have the Supreme Court effectively providing unified interpretation of law through regular holding of argument sessions. In addition, the Academy also invited Chief Judge of the Civil Division of the Supreme Court Shen Fang-wei and Judge of the Criminal Division of the Taiwan High Court Chen Hsien-yu, both with plenty of trial experience, to take part as discussants who gave their response to this wave of reform from the perspectives of a Supreme Court judge and a High Court judge respectively, as well as made recommendations for improvement.

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