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Academy for the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


2016/11/7-9 Continuing education for prosecutors, “Medical Practices III”, was held by the Academy

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:642
林口長庚醫院葉副院長森洲主持始業式 林口長庚醫院質子中心之介紹與參訪 醫院專科介紹與現場環境參訪 醫療案例研討暨偵審與醫學實務交流


To enhance the understanding of current prosecutors and judges on medical practices, the Academy collaborated with the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to hold an advanced course on medical practices. Taking place at the Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, experienced specialists were invited to examine the common, dispute-prone diseases and conditions seen in their respective specialties, conducting in-depth analyses of medical malpractice cases that actually went through investigation and trial regarding their clinical management criteria, as well as discussing the related medical customs and the derived medical malpractice disputes. Subsequently, the specialists exchanged opinions with the course participants. Additionally, visits to the related specialties and departments were arranged, enabling the course participants to have a deeper understanding of medical practices and the current state of medical treatment.

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