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On November 14th, 2016, the 3rd Review Meeting for Outstanding Paper Award on Crime Prevention Research was held.

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:499
顏迺偉主任秘書主持評審會 論文簡報 評選委員講評 全體合影


As we know that universities are the cradle of national academic development, talents trained for higher education on crime prevention field, not only have a stake in rise and fall of national criminal policy, but play a determining role in integral amount of development on national crime prevention research. In order to encourage more elite to join the research field of crime prevention and criminal policy, the Academy held the 3rd Review Meeting for Outstanding Paper Award on Crime Prevention Research on November 14th, 2016.
In this year, 21 participants with Masters or Ph.D. degree are compete for the award. The Academy invited Huang-Yu Wang, the professor of National Taiwan University, and Jye-Ching Lee, the professor of National Taipei University of Technology, and Ai-Mei Wei, the assistant professor of Taiwan Police College, as reviewers. After a hard competition,11 excellent researches with variety topics were choose to win the award. The topics including drug crime, drunk driving, food safety, sex crime, Doctors Act, corruption prevention and so on. Those chosen research will upload on the website “Crime Prevention Research Database” and allow everyone to read. Also, to reward those researchers, the Academy for the Judiciary prepares to hold an awarding ceremony in the Symposium of the 2016 Crime Analysis on December 9th, 2016 and invite Tai-San Chiu, the minister of Ministry of Justice, to preside over it

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