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2016/11/1-2 International Symposium-Trends in Judicial Reform was held

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:608
開幕式本學院蔡院長、顏主任秘書及教務組盧組長與此次國際研討會主持人、主講人、與談人及與會貴賓合影留念。 第一場:法國雷恩高等法院RONSIN院長分享法國法制與經驗。 第二場:德國杜賓根大學犯罪學研究所Jörg 第三場:韓國大法院權純一大法官分享韓國法制與經驗。 第四場:日本國學院大學法科大學院四宮啟教授分享日本法制與經驗。 此次國際研討會超過200多位司法工作者與會 法務部邱太三部長蒞臨主持閉幕式


On November 1 and 2, 2016, the Academy held the international symposium on trends in judicial reform. President Xavier Ronsin of the Rennes Court of Appeal, France, Director Jorg Kinzig of Institute of Criminology, Tubingen University, Germany, Justice Kwon Soon-il of Korea Supreme Court and Professor Shinomiya Satoru of Law School of Kokugakuin University, Japan were invited to talk about judicial reforms in France, Germany, Korea and Japan. More than 200 persons, including officials from Judicial Yuan and Ministry of Justice, judges and prosecutors from various districts, lawyers, professors and the trainees of the Academy, attended this successful symposium.

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