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2016/10/4 2016 Seminar on Integrity – Strengthen and establish Integrity of Local Government.

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  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:584
陳明堂次長與專家、學者大合照 陳明堂次長致詞 涂醒哲市長專題演講 王添盛檢察長主持綜合座談


On October 4, 2016, the Academy and Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice (AAC) held the “2016 Seminar on Integrity – Strengthen and establish Integrity of Local Government” in the auditorium of the academy. Political Deputy Minister Chen Ming-Tong delivered the opening speech while nearly a hundred of officers from the central or local governments attended the seminar. The seminar has two parts – lecture and focus group discussion. The lecture was given by Twu Shiing-Jer, the mayor of Chiayi City, with the title “The Challenges and Strategies on Local Government Integrity – Take Food Safety Management for Example”. The focus groups discussion was presided by Wang Tien-Sheng, the chief prosecutor of Taiwan High Prosecutors office. The academy invited sevral experts and professors with the background of integrity in politics or food safety management, using the form of focus groups discussion to communicate and discussion with the audience. To strengthen the integrity in politics and to establish the food safety, it depends not only on the hardworking and sophisticated government, but also on the researches and recommendations from scholars. This seminar focuses on the food safety issue, which is highly concerned by society, with many different points of view. Those in-depth discussion and communication would be a valuable reference for integrity policy.

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