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Academy for the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


2015/10/27-28 International Symposium on Corporate Criminal Liability

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2020-02-11
  • View count:733

On October 27- 28, 2015, the Academy held an international symposium on corporate criminal liability.  Four sessions were respectively moderated by Mr. Ming-Tang Chen, Political Vice Minister from Ministry of Justice, Mr. Da-Ho Yen, Prosecutor General from the Supreme Prosecutors Office, Mr. Chen-Huan Wu, the Honorable Justice from Judicial Yuan, and Mr. Tian-Sheng Wang, Chief Prosecutor of Taiwan High Prosecutors Office.  Keynote speakers were Professor Petra Wittig from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, Professor Samuel W. Buell from Duke University School of Law, U.S.A. and Professor Katsunori Kai, Dean of Waseda Law School in Waseda University, Japan and Professor Yun-Hua Yang from the College of Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

Professor Chih-Chieh Lin from the School of Law, National Chiao Tung University, Professor Chih-Hung Hsieh from the School of Law, Fu Jen Catholic University, Professor Li-Ching Chang from the Department of Financial and Economic Law, National University of Kaohsiung and Prosecutor Li-Ying Lin from the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office were invited to be the panelists.  Research findings and viewpoints regarding handling of corporate crimes in various countries were presented and speakers had in-depth discussions with panelists.  The symposium allowed a better understanding of this issue, which would improve our legal system. 





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