2015/1/12 Minister Luo Ying-shay of MOJ visited the Academy
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In the afternoon of January 12, 2015, to appreciate all MOJ members, Minister Luo Ying-shay, along with Director of Department of Government Employee Ethics, Jhu Jia-ci, and Director of Department of Prosecutorial Affairs, Chang Wen-chang, visited the Academy. Minister Luo noted that the Academy is the nurturing ground of the nation’s judiciary. Both the budget and the workforce are limited, the noteworthy achievement made by the Academy in many fields, including judiciary education, in-serving training, crime prevention research, and international conference, are highly praised. MOJ will persistently give support to the Academy’s Crime Prevention Research Center, the schemes for the distant learning as well. In addition, Ministry Luo expected the Academy will continuously take advantages of the limited resources to the high quality of nation’s justice and criminal policy making.